Thinking about higher education? Want to see if you have what it takes to go to a top university?

The Sutton Trust Summer School – Applications close 9th March. Late applications will not be accepted.
Apply for the Sutton Trust Summer School NOW and you could find yourself experiencing student life at one of the UK’s leading universities this summer. The Sutton Trust Summer Schools are FREE, one week residential programmes for Year 12 students which run at 10 of the UK’s top universities. As a participant, you will gain an insight into life as a first-year undergraduate through attending academic subject strands taught by leading experts. The subjects on offer range from medicine to politics, engineering to history, modern languages to veterinary medicine, and many more. Subject strands often combine 2 or more areas, allowing you the chance to explore a range of possible courses and develop key academic skills before committing to university study. You will also receive valuable advice on making UCAS applications, as well as on finance, careers and accommodation options. It’s not all hard work, though. You’ll live in a hall of residence with students from all over the country – just like a first-year undergraduate – and take part in a wide range of social activities and opportunities to learn new skills. It could just be the most important (and enjoyable) experience of your life…
For more information, eligibility requirements and to apply online please go to the Sutton Trust website:
Applications close 9th March. Late applications will not be accepted.