As our Sixth Form students work from home with the tasks set daily by staff, we’d like to take time to celebrate the successes of the students who have worked hard and succeeded in producing some fantastic work. We look forward to reporting on more excellent examples in the coming weeks. This week’s top workers are:
Brooke Krager Health & Social Care – Logging on every day and completing some work
Olivia Hunt Sociology – First to meet deadline
Sol Gothard Sociology – Ingenious submission award
James Keilloh Sport – Working extremely well
Ellis Humphrey Geography – Completed all work set so far to a great standard
Leah Casey Health & Social Care
Leigha Macleod Health & Social Care
Ellie Taylor Health & Social Care
Natasha Spraggon Health & Social Care
Charlotte Steel Law
Sally Cuming English Languages – Outstanding effort for creating their own children’s book
Erin Johnson English Languages – Outstanding effort for creating their own children’s book
Morgan Straughan Psychology
Lucy Bulmer Psychology
Ethan Mackenzie Maths
Hugo Willis Maths
Alice Gould Photography